Families and
I was a pretty good kid
all in all growing up. Everybody said I was a pretty smart kid. Smart as I was I did make my share of stupid mistakes. I learned about the
perils of a life of crime in a way that made me realize once again… never admit
you are a Cannata to a stranger unless it’s a matter of life or death. Even
then you should think carefully because circumstances sometimes are that being dead
would be the better option. Because, as the kid that gave me my first serious
punch in the nose told me… “Cannatas Suck!”
There was a business in my
neighborhood by the name of the “Forest Hills Factory Outlet.” Not that I knew
of any factory that was in Jamaica Plain that manufactured the goods sold
there. It was big by neighborhood standards and it was a great place to go and
hang around and buy popcorn and little gifts around Christmas or a sibling’s
It was also where I made
one of my earliest and misguided forays into a life of crime; Shoplifting to be
exact. What I lifted from the store wasn’t very memorable. It was a cheesy
little bike lock that didn’t cost more than five bucks. In fact I still have no
idea what it was that enticed me to try and purloin it from the store to begin
with. But since everything in the store was as cheaply made as possible, and
cost about $10.00 max. It didn’t exactly amount grand larceny.
Yet, by the time the
adventure was over, I had been handcuffed, hauled off to the local police
station… the infamous station 13… and compared to some hideous member of a
national crime syndicate. I was accused of being a central figure of a vicious,
insidious criminal organization that was headed by my father and supported by
almost all the members of my felonious family.
I can’t recall much about
the circumstances behind my apprehension, but what happened once I got to the
station is forever imbedded in my memory. It was an event that once again
demonstrated that no matter how well I thought I knew my family and who they
were… I really didn’t know the half of them. And let me tell you, finding out
that your father and oldest brother are well heeled criminals involved in car
theft; racketeering and toilet papering for no good reason other than to wreak
havoc on the innocent people of Jamaica Plain can be pretty disturbing.
I thought my father was a
post office worker. Incredibly, according to the cop that revealed all the
dirty secrets, he was just short of an insane hitman. And my brother Joe was
his henchman extraordinaire. Together they made a team of nefarious hoodlums
hell-bent on taking over the entire neighborhood of Jamaica Plain.
It all started once I was
handcuffed, chained and manacled to a chair at station 13. That’s where they
put dangerous aspiring criminals of about eight or nine years old while they
waited for their parents to come, collect then and take them home for the
beating of their lives. One I’m sure they would have preferred to deliver
themselves, but in those days cops didn’t really feel threatened much by
elementary school villains. We also had to stay locked to the chair because we
were still small enough to slip thru the bars that lined the cells in the
basement and escape was always a possibility for shrewd and clever little
felons such as me.
As I sat waiting, one
rather large cop sauntered up to me and gave me a piercing look. One that said
he had my number and I’d better fess up to what he was about to say or face
some serious consequences.
“So”. He said. “You’re a
Cannata, eh?”
Since I had already
admitted to that, despite my tendency to deny it almost every chance I had it
seemed silly to try and change it now. “Yeah” I muttered. Head down and ready
to put on my best imitation of a chagrined and remorseful delinquent.
“So,” he says again. “Do
you know Johnny Cannata?”
“Yeah” I said again. My
father’s name was. John. Although I never recalled anyone in my house ever
calling him Johnny to his face, we all knew his name. Even if we were pretty
sure my Dad didn’t know half of his kid’s names.
“What about Joey Cannata?
You know him too don’t ya?” He seemed to be trying to catch me in some sort of
lie but I wasn’t falling for it.
“Yeah,” I replied.
“I’m sure you do! You hang
around with them don’t ya?!” He stated this in a tone that seemed to accuse me
of something that wasn’t yet clear.
I wasn’t quite sure how to
respond because even though I and my brother Joe and my dad lived in the same
house, I wouldn’t exactly describe our relationship as one where we “hung out”
with each other. My brother Joe was many years older than me and didn’t spend a
heck of a lot of his time playing with me, although it might have been fun. And
I spent most of the time my dad was home doing my best to avoid him. He wasn’t
the kind of dad that liked to interact with his kids any more than necessary.
So I gave a vague and
non-committal answer, “Yeah, sort of.”
“You like those guys huh?”
He growled.
“Most of the time,” I
said. It was a truthful answer and pretty accurate.
“Well you know what I
think?” He said as he got closer to my face with a snarl.
I had no idea what he
thought but my impression was that it wasn’t going to be something good. Before
I could venture a guess he told me just what he thought about Johnny and Joey
“I think they SUCK!!” he
shouted as he poked a finger in my chest. “Those guys are nothing but trouble!
And I think you’re gonna wind up just like ‘em!”
The finger in my chest
kind of hurt but it wasn’t nearly as bad as the look on his face. Obviously
this cop did not like my dad or my brother. He went on to explain just why and
I have to say, it was not what I expected at all.
“Johnny and Joey Cannata
are nothing but punks! Troublemakers!
They’re heading for big trouble and when I finally get a hold of them they are
going away for a long, long time!”
Afraid to speak, all I
could do was let my mind take in his accusations. My dad and my brother Joe
were criminals?? This was news to me! I heard a lot of stories about how mean
my father could be and he was prone to threatening us with “The Belt” on
occasion. But he had never actually hit anyone with it as far as I knew. My
brother Joe was a soldier and I knew he knew how to blow things up, but he
never tried to destroy anything in our house.
I made a meek effort to
come to their defense. I used one of my
patented responses that seemed to fit. “They din’t do nothin’!”
“What??” he shouted
angrily! “Those two guys are in and out of here all the time. We just had that
bum Johnny locked up here last weekend!! He was drunk as a bowery boy and was
caught trying to steal a car! I bet you think that is pretty cool huh?”
I didn’t think it was
“cool” at all. In fact it was kind of confusing. My dad already had a car. A
new one too that was only eight years old. Why would he steal another one? This
was getting stranger by the minute. I was doing my best to look calm but the
chair I was in was slowly making its way around the room as I sat shaking in
“That lowlife, Johnny, is
gonna end up in the slammer and Joey won’t be far behind him. I’ve seen kids
just like ‘em a hundred times and they always end up the same. Looks to me like
you’re gonna go the same way, unless, of course, you smarten up. I swear, the
next time I see that Johnny I’m gonna smack him good!””
Now I was about as
confused as ever. My dad was a lot of things but a “kid” he was not. Even
worse, my dad was coming to get me and this cop was threatening to smack my
dad. One thing for sure, for every smack the cop gave my dad I was gonna get
two from my dad myself. The time had come for me to start defending my dad and
let this cop know I wasn’t going to stand by while he laid a beating on my father
no matter how much a criminal he was.
“You better not touch him
you asshole! If you do you’re gonna be very sorry.” My threat might have
sounded a lot more serious if I wasn’t hand-cuffed to a chair and at least 3
feet shorter but I did my best to look as serious as possible. The look on the
cops face was something I’ll never forget. One half horrified and one half
hilarious. He seemed about to laugh and give me a serious slap when the door
opened and another cop announced my father’s arrival. I was prepared to watch
my dad and this cop go to battle
To my shock and surprise
the cop turned and shook my father’s hand and greeted him with a friendly hello
“How are you, Mr.
Cannata?” he asked. “I’m sorry to have to make you come here but we had a
problem with, Michael here. We didn’t want to get formal so I thought you’d
like to come by and deal with this yourself.”
“Thanks, Charlie. I
appreciate you giving me first crack at him,” my dad said as he gave me a stare
that suggested the worst was yet to come. With that he and the cop walked up
front and exchanged some words that had them both smiling. I was completely
befuddled at this point. This cop was yukking it up with my dad. The guy he had
just finished referring to as the second coming of Al Capone!
When he took the handcuffs
off he whispered quietly, “Remember what I said kid. You don’t want to wind up
like Johnny or Joey, you hear?”
Giving me a stern look my
dad took me by the shoulder and escorted me to the car. “We’ll talk about this
when we get home. I’m very disappointed in you, Michael.” He growled.
I couldn’t believe it! He
was disappointed in me? I just found out that he and Joe were a mini mafia! All
I did was steal a bike lock. I exploded in a rant of confession and confusion..
I told him everything the cop had accused him and my brother Joe of doing and
all the names he called them.
As I finished my story and
looked at him he had that really creepy look that passed as a smile. A look I
rarely saw. Clearly, he found something funny about what I told him.
“Have I ever mentioned
that you have two juvenile delinquent cousins by the names of Johnny and Joey
on Mission Hill? No? Well that’s another thing we’ll talk about when we get
When the talk, the lecture
and the small but well targeted smacks were done, I sat in my room and once
again realized it was true…
… Cannatas Suck!
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